Finding Breastfeeding Support For Moms

For some, breastfeeding comes easily and naturally, for others, it comes as more of a challenge. Some babies take easily to the breast while others need some direction. To further complicate things, some moms have more trouble breastfeeding than others. There is a lot of great breastfeeding support for moms if you know where to look.

Lactation Consultant

Many hospitals have a lactation consultant that works closely with newborns and their moms to help them learn techniques for breastfeeding. In some hospitals, it’s routine to send the lactation consultant in shortly after a baby is born to help them properly latch on and nurse.

For moms who are having issues and struggling with breastfeeding the consultant can be called in to help ease the transition for both mom and baby. Consultants have many different techniques that they can teach moms and babies to ensure successful breastfeeding.

In the case of premies, a breastfeeding consultant can help a new mom learn to properly and easily use a breast pump to ensure that the premie gets plenty of breastmilk to ensure healthy growth.


Some new moms prefer to keep things in the family and go to their grandmothers for instructions in breastfeeding their babies. Many grandmothers are an ideal resource for a new mom. Keep in mind, however, that many grandmothers aren’t up on the latest trends or methods of breastfeeding and may not be as helpful if certain issues are going on in the process.

In some eras, breastfeeding was done in such privacy that grandma may not be comfortable talking about it. She may, in fact, try to hide the mom and baby off in a bedroom or corner as if breastfeeding were something sexual going on. If this is the case, it’s wise to consult with a breastfeeding or lactation consultant who will have more experience in helping the new mom.

Breastfeeding isn’t for the faint of heart. It takes true dedication to be a mom and be willing to nurse a newborn every few hours until they are big enough to eat a solid food diet. Today, most doctors encourage new moms to breastfeed and will go the extra mile by sending in a lactation consultant to ensure the successful outcome of newborn breastfeeding. Finding breastfeeding support for moms is something that may be deeply personal. Ask doctors and hospital nurses where to locate a lactation consultant.


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